
A végtelen tudat ismeretlen területei.


2020. december 29. 17:23 - Bognár Tas

San Francisco on the 16th and the 17th of January of 2021.

Theoretic and practical course guided by Tas Bognar.
The clairevoyance workshop includes the subjects of intuition, clairevoyance and Tonglen in all. It is highly recommended for sceptical people as well as teachers, healers on the other side. Therapeutists can see deeper into and beyond the source of the actual problems on the surface.
Tas Bognar practicing, using and teaching the subject as a professional. Scanned thousands of auras after two decades, and thousands of students got the teachings of intuition over the decades as well. Tas combined his 5 years of study in Asia, together with another 5 years western studies, so he gives a komplex material on the subject, condensed into an understandable way. Being a high level programmer in the IT sector in the past century, he uses easy-to-understand language for everybody.

Intuition has a deep impact on our life in all levels: money, relationship, decisions and so on.

If somebody can listen to the guidance, more likely reach the goal on the path. One who can see more than the eyes can, will be able to see more in time and space. Using our sixth sense gives us clearer decisions, thus proper creation of our lives. Intuition has our best interest at heart, one should listen to it.

Intuitive powers were given to our soul at birth. Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear, and then act upon what you know to be true.

I am teaching intuition since 2005. Thousands of students proved that it works for all of us. It is crucial to develope our sixth sense these days. Easy to learn, complex to practice. This teachings are on Tibetan grounds, and it gives a torch on the way in the darkness.

Many students choose to attend to an online workshop from all around the globe as distance doesn't make any sense nor has any effect on the quality of the teachings. Even though there still a few who takes a long distance trip trough Europe to Budapest, to participate on a workhop physically, as they feel it is better to be there face-to-face. 

Physical presence is unimportant!

I must emphasise that this subject is not of a kind that needs any physical presence. It's not a a yoga class, nor a driving lesson First of all there is a given lecture of the subject, later on comes the practical part of the practice. All of the questions can be cleared online as well.

Bridging distances and obstacles!

It is unnecessary to travel long distance to receive the teachings. For myself I also like to give teaching from home, or from another country. It is also a huge advantage for disabled people to study from home.

For more details please visit:

The online workshop backed by Skype, and you can register by sending an email to

The price for the two days course: 150 USD (140 EUR)

Next two days group lesson: 2021. January 16-17. (11am to 7pm San Francisco time)

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